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Fool's Gold (The Wandering Engineer) Page 4
Fool's Gold (The Wandering Engineer) Read online
Page 4
“She's got a point Admiral, you do need to refuel. Let the machine handle what it has. It won’t work any faster with your brooding over it,” Sprite remonstrated. He chuckled.
“All right all right, two mother hens, what did I do to deserve this...” He sighed getting up.
The family split up to their various shifts after breakfast. The Admiral nodded as he and Jorge were left alone. The kids, two were apparently relatives, a niece and nephew of Mrs. Valdez's sister and her husband O'Reilly were taken off with the pig tailed girl to school in the greenhouse. From what they said they were going to spend the morning harvesting cabbage before doing basic math after lunch.
Mrs. Valdez had a bounce shift; she was trying to exchange it with someone else. She cast worried glances to Jorge occasionally. They seemed to bounce off the patriarch. He kissed her softly before she left.
“So about this list...” Junior asked.
“I uploaded it to your tablet.” Irons pointed to the tablet on the counter. Junior looked at it.
“When did you...” he started as he got up. He picked the tablet up and started to scroll through the menu. “When...” He looked up.
“It has Wi-Fi. So do I.” The Admiral smiled. “Do you folks have coffee?”
He looked over to Jorge who shook his head. “We import it but it goes to the engineers and luxury quarters. We can't get our hands on any.” He sighed.
“No problem, I can fix the food replicator later.” The Admiral waved dismissively. Junior mumbled as he read the list.
“I think I can get a few of these before my shift...”
His father shook his head holding out his hand. “I'll do that. You get to work.” He waved. Junior frowned at the Admiral but then handed over the electronic device and left.
“Yes, yes, I see... most of these are minor parts. I think I can get to them while you tear down the engine,” Jorge looked up after reading the list.
The Admiral smiled. “I've got a part in the replicator, let me pull it and put another in then we can get started.” He got up and put his dishes in the sink with the others. “Dishwasher is down too?” he asked. Jorge nodded as he limped out.
It took most of the morning to pull the melted coolant system out to get to the top of the engine. Most of the damage was in the port plasma field injector. The starboard was fused, from the looks of it had been that way for some time. He grunted as he looked over the damage. The ship must have pulled hard to starboard. It would have taken a lot of piloting skill to keep it going in the direction you wanted. His estimate of Sergio went up a little. But not much.
Jorge came in occasionally, carrying a part and laying it out nearby. He had taken his hand tools to the junk yard. The Admiral was glad, he didn't need them and he had his own. Still, it might be a good idea to suggest they invest in a second set of simple tools to leave in the junkyard.... He shook the thought off.
He was a guest, and he needed to focus on that and not impose. Though he did plan on repairing some of the things in the household, for his own comfort at least. No way was he going to go without coffee for long.
“That's the last of them,” Jorge said. Irons looked up to see the man winded. “Let me catch my breath and I'll lend you a hand,” the wounded man suggested. The Admiral thought frantically as Sprite highlighted the man's temperature.
“I'm about done right now, I was planning on taking a lunch break and putting a call in to Io 11. Why don't I let you know what I did and then we can go eat?” he suggested. Jorge grunted and nodded wearily. He let himself down onto his crate stool with a shaky breath.
“Your family is very hardy. You must have used suits to use this ship.” The Admiral waved to the cab. “It can't hold pressure with the damage. The seals around the door are gone too.” He shook his head.
Jorge nodded. “Been that way since my great grandfather's time. Story goes that he got out to lash a piece of cargo down and then got back in and the cockpit breached. Luckily he managed to patch his suit into the life support or he would have been dead before making station.” He waved the crutch and leaned back with a sigh. “So how is the damage?” he asked looking like he knew the answer.
“About what I said before. Coolant system is gone. Most of the engine will need a complete rebuild. I am going over the final tally now. I also checked the hull and frame, there is some minor twist in the lateral arm, but she's sound. I can fix the frame damage and box or gusset the weak areas using scrap metal. Cabin will need to be rebuilt or replaced though,” he waved.
“Rebuilt if we can. I think we have a day before the Port Admiral... no offense... sends his goons,” Jorge replied.
“Sends his goons?” The Admiral asked, cleaning a valve with a rag. Proteus reported it was good he set it down in the salvage pile.
“Rent.” Jorge sighed. “We have to pay rent. Space rent he calls it. Everyone has to pay for the air they breathe, water, power, heat, food, and space they live in. We've been the primary source of water since he pissed the Oort cloud colonies off into boycotting us.” Jorge sighed wearily. “The exec, Enrique has been leaning on us pretty hard till the Port Admiral sent his bully boys around. Now he's trying to buy us time to get squared away,” he waved to the ship. “Fat chance of that with the old girl all tore up and with her guts all over the deck. Damn kid.” Jorge sighed shaking his head.
“I should have never let him take her out; he's too green, too impulsive.” He sighed again, smacking the end of the crutch down. “I should have ridden him harder but I was laid up for a couple days with a fever.” He shook his head.
“Anita traded a few things to get me some antibiotics.” He looked away then shook his head.
“You work double shifts on the station as well?” the Admiral asked.
“That's for the food we eat and the some of the power we use. Everything else comes from this old girl.” He waved to the tug. Irons nodded.
“Well, let me go see what I can do about lunch and putting a call through to Io.” He smiled. He knew better then to offer to help Jorge up. The man's pride and dignity were something he clung to fiercely. The Admiral nodded. “Shall we?” Jorge looked at him with a weary eye, and then chuckled as he wrestled himself upright.
“I think Anita left sandwiches in the cooler.” He waved the Admiral forward.
After a quick lunch he jacked into the system and had Sprite put a call through the station net to the Io11. He waited patiently after the communications officer, Julia put him on hold. While he waited he pulled the holo emitter out and put it on the table so Jorge could see and be a part of the discussion.
“What's taking so long?” Jorge asked as he put the cups in the sink.
“The Captain and Purser are in a meeting,” the Admiral answered.
Jorge looked at his arm. “Does it always do that?” He pointed to the jack.
Irons smiled. “That and more. You get used to it after a while.” He chuckled at Jorge's disbelief.
“Yes? Who is this? Oh Admiral? Wearing out your welcome so soon?” the captain cackled. Irons smiled.
“Not exactly captain. It seems that Juanita's family needs a hand. I would like to trade parts and a small fighter craft for parts for their tug and a visit to sickbay for Juanita's father,” he reported. The captain grunted then was silent.
“Juanita's father?” she asked after a moment. Jorge frowned but didn't say anything.
“Yes captain, he's been extensively injured. Multiple contusions, damage to his right knee, broken right arm, cracked and broken ribs, as well as internal injuries. He is running a low grade temperature which indicates ongoing infection,” he reported quietly. Jorge stared at him until Iron's smiled. “Implants do have their uses.” He tapped his temple with his left hand. Jorge shook his head.
“Right, I'll go along with that or Juanita would never forgive me,” the captain said in exasperation. “After all that she did, she earned a little peace of mind. Now about those parts...” Iron's noted her desire to make a pro
fit and tried not to laugh.
The dickering went fast and furious; he uploaded a list of parts Sprite had compiled, as well as a list of what they needed. The captain was all set to dicker over power and transportation to and from the ship when someone cut her off. “Captain, you've got an appointment in two minutes remember?” Julia said softly. Irons chuckled.
“All right, just get the load here and pick up the finished parts. I'll have Faith go over your list and get started as soon as you make the first delivery.” She hastily signed off.
“Admiral you still there?” Julia asked softly.
He chuckled. “Thanks for the save Julia. I'll get the parts out ASAP along with Jorge. I may have to load him up on the pallet as well; I doubt he could handle climbing the ladders I had to use to get here from the docks.” He looked over to Jorge. He shook his head. At least he was honest about that Irons thought.
“All right Admiral, give us a call when you’re on your way, we'll have someone keeping an eye out for you,” Julia assured him. He nodded.
“Thanks. Signing off.” Sprite cut the channel and he un-jacked.
“We've got to get that pallet up, then I... I mean we can load it and be off.” The Admiral stood.
“What about this?” Jorge pointed his crutch to the open door to the Admiral's bunk.
“Oh yes, thanks for reminding me.” Irons stepped around the table and past the wounded man. “Looks good. Green light.” He pulled the part out and looked it over. “Yes, looks good.” He tapped the universal port with his finger and felt Proteus send out a diagnostic probe. After a moment the AI lit a green dot on his HUD. “Yup, diagnostics check out. She's good.” He set it aside and placed another component inside. It began to melt. Jorge watched it with wide eyes.
“You know, I never saw a replicator work...” He watched the part melting. “Is it melting it with heat?” He looked up to Irons who shook his head.
“It's using nanites and magnetic fields to pull the part apart molecule by molecule. Then it will build a new part from the materials.” He waved to the living room.
“These quarters were once a business. That's why you have the replicator and gear you have. The dishwasher, all of it. Apparently they were small quarters for a small inner system transportation company.” He looked over to the Valdez patriarch who nodded. “Your food replicator isn't very complex or advanced, but it can handle basics if fed the right material. Let's get this load sorted out and then I'll take a look at it. I'll need it to make a few plastic parts for the cabin.” He waved as Jorge's mouth fell open then closed. “Thanks,” Jorge said softly.
Anita and Junior caught them just as they were about to leave. “What are you doing here?” Anita and Jorge asked one another. Both sounded exasperated.
“Taking advantage of my family? Going to rob us blind?” Junior started to snarl until his father held up a hand.
“He's taking me to Io with the parts. We're going to get new parts for the tug.” He looked over to Anita. “And he insisted I get a check up by the doctor.” She froze then nodded.
“Can we see Juanita?” Junior asked. Anita's eyes lit. She was trying not to cry. Jorge cocked her head at her. “Yes, that might be a good idea; if I am held up you can visit our daughter while you wait,” he said softly. She nodded.
“Sprite, unlock the damn lifts, there is no way we can wrestle this up ladders.” He watched the family talking.
“Admiral, I can't without linking in. And when I do it will raise a flag in Ops.” The AI cautioned. Irons nodded. “No helping it. See if you can delay the notice.” He started pushing the cart down the corridor. He stopped to let Jorge sit on top of the pile.
“You're on a lunch break?” Jorge asked Junior. Junior shook his head.
“They cut power in our section. Barney sent us all home, there's no point working in the cold and dark,” he sighed. Jorge looked grim.
“It's never been this bad,” Anita said softly. Jorge nodded quietly.
“And you?” he asked her.
“I swapped shifts half shifts. I go back in two hours,” she waved airily. Jorge nodded.
They arrived at the lift doors. Junior and Jorge stared as the Admiral went over to the universal jack and plugged in. After a moment and grinding of gears the doors opened. A car squealed to a stop and brake dust seemed to leak around its edges. Its door opened with a groan. “I see some things need repair other than your tug.” The Admiral shook his head.
“What are you doing?” Junior asked as the Admiral pushed the cart into the lift. “It's a cargo lift. We have cargo. Get it?” The Admiral pointed to the pallet. “You coming?” He turned to see Anita and Junior on the wrong side of the doors staring. Hastily they jumped into the car.
“I've never been in one in my entire life. Is it safe?” Anita asked nervously.
“Hopefully,” the Admiral replied as the double doors groaned shut and the car began to lift. The Admiral jacked into the inner door controls. He was amused to see Proteus making small repairs to the panel, fixing several shorts and rerouting a bus around a fused chip.
“What are you doing?” Anita asked looking over to him.
“Making sure we get to where we're going. I needed to fix something.” The Admiral moved to the side so she could see his artificial arm making repairs. She stared.
“You really are from the past!” she whispered. He chuckled.
“Glad that sunk in.” He felt the car jerk then begin to move sideways.
“Oops,” Sprite reported.
“What?” The Admiral asked softly.
“What is it?” Anita asked nervously. “It seems someone else wishes to use this car and track,” the AI reported. The Admiral sighed. They groaned to a stop and the doors creaked open slowly. Someone was swearing on the other side of the door. Fingers wormed their way in and started to pull the doors apart.
After a moment and grinding of gears the outer doors opened. The Admiral opened the inner doors manually. “Hello, it's a bit crowded but there is room.” He stepped aside and motioned for the couple to enter. They looked at them in surprise.
“You’re going to the docks?” the woman asked. Jorge nodded.
“We have some trading to do with the Io 11,” Junior growled.
The Admiral smiled. “No way could we get this gear up a ladder.” He waved to the pallet. The couple entered. And looked around. Hastily the man got out of the way of the doors as they ground closed.
“I wish we could fix that,” he muttered. “Lazy people in engineering,” he sighed. “No, I heard the Admiral made more cuts since they're down to one reactor,” the woman whispered. The Admiral picked it up. “The reactor is down to twenty percent and falling. We need to get off this station before it dies,” she whispered urgently.
The man waved her to silence then looked over to the Valdez family then the Admiral. “Are you folks getting off the station?” he asked.
The Admiral shook his head. “I doubt it, I just got here. I'm here to help.” He indicated the Valdez family. “If we can get their tug back online then they can get more fuel for the reactors.” Junior smiled grimly and nodded as the couple gazed at him then looked hastily away.
The car ground to a long slow stop with loud clangs and screeching metal. Irons sighed. “Okay, looks like this is our stop.” He watched as the door struggled to open. The couple forced the door open enough to get through then left without a backward glance.
“So much for chivalry,” Irons commented dryly. He and Junior wrestled the door open wide enough to get the cart through. “If it's all the same with you, I think I'll stick to the ladders,” Anita said dryly as the lift doors closed behind them and the lift dropped away. Her son chuckled softly.
“Oh, that's not bad actually. A drop chute is much worse,” Irons replied turning around.
“And what pray tell is that?” Anita asked. Irons smiled.
“A tube that shoots people with force fields. No car at all. It was popular on resort worlds and larg
e corporate buildings and space stations. The clear tubes were all the rage for a while.” He shrugged. She shook her head then shivered.
“NO THANKS!” she said then took in his smile and smiled herself.
They waved to the bored customs girl and guards then purposely made their way to the Io's slip. The couple were there arguing with the guard. Irons waved as she commed her supervisor. She smiled and waved back then went back to her argument.
They managed to make it to her station just as Faith, a small group of techs and the purser arrived. The purser took the couple aside and began to talk with them. Irons turned his attention on Faith. “How are things shaking?” he asked. She smiled.
“Not much to shake in dock Admiral. These the parts?”
He nodded. “This is the Valdez family. Jorge, Anita, and Sergio. They are Juanita's family,” he nodded to Faith. Faith glanced at the wounded Jorge and nodded. Motion on his HUD made the Admiral look up. He could just make out Juanita on his sensors.
“Someone is rather anxious to see them too,” he said softly.
Faith looked over her shoulder then chuckled turning back to the Valdez family. “That she is. I can't say I blame the lass. All right ladies; let's get this lot sorted out while they head to sickbay.” She motioned to Jorge. “Your guide is waiting inside.” Jorge nodded and got up weakly. Anita rushed to help then hastily stopped hands cringing. He looked up and smiled softly. Faith took it in and grunted.
“Typical damn fool men, don't know when to shelve their pride and get help when they need it,” she grumbled. Irons hastily smothered a laugh with a cough as Junior glared. The Valdez family entered the ship and then happy cries echoed back through the lock.
Faith and her work party were smiling. “I'm glad you made sure he gets medical care. I don't think any of us would forgive ourselves if we didn't. We owe you and Juanita that much,” she nodded to the party. “This the first load?” she asked as they transferred the load to a new cart. The Admiral nodded.
“Call it a deposit. I'll go back for the next load in a moment.” He nodded to several of the crew as they passed him with smiles and waves. He chuckled. “Missed me already.” He shook his head. Faith smiled.